Call customer service at 1-800-521-7807 to receive a printed catalog.
For payment on our website we accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover and Paypal. For payment on a wholesale account, we accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, company checks and wire transfers.
A "Backordered Item" refers to an item that you have ordered but it is either new and has not reached our distribution center or is sold out and awaiting inventory. Backorders are automatically cancelled if items cannot be shipped within 90 days, or if the outstanding items total less than $20. You can review any open backorders online in the my account section. You can also cancel backorders at any time by calling customer service at 1-800-521-7807.
To receive a login that is linked to your business account, call customer service at 1-800-521-7807.
Creating an online account is easy, simply fill out the information form by clicking on the sign in link at the top right-hand side of the website. This will create a personal online account for ordering Christian Art Gifts products on our website.
We also welcome resellers of every type including brick and mortar, catalog programs, or online retailers to apply to become a wholesale buyer with Christian Art Gifts. Please download our trade application and return by email at orders@cagifts.com with a copy of your state issued resale certificate. A nonprofit organization like a church, camp, ministry, etc. will need to provide a copy of a state-issued sales tax exempt certificate. Please call 1-800-521-7807 if you have additional questions.
Your privacy and peace of mind is very important to us. Your credit card information is encrypted and once saved cannot be read by anyone. In addition web services communications are not viewable by a third party as they travel on the Internet. Encryption is implemented using 128-bit encryption with HTTPS/SSL at the transport level. No non-secure Web service requests are granted.
Yes. Please email our customer service department at info@cagifts.com and provide them with your city and state for the nearest local retailer that carries our products. Our products are also available online at www.christianbook.com and www.amazon.com.
Shipped orders are not returnable unless the product is damaged, defective, or shipped in error. Please report all shortages/defective product to customer service within 7 days of receipt. When returning damaged, defective or shipped in error product, the invoice number and reason for the return must be stated clearly, and the return must be postmarked within 30 days of the original receipt
Our systems are fully automated, once you have submitted your order, it is sent automatically to our warehouse for packing and shipping. Please call customer service at 1-800-521-7807 to make changes to your order.
We have partnered with MyUS.com to offer convenient, fast international shipping to more than 225 countries. MyUS.com members receive deeply discounted shipping rates, exceptional customer service, 24/7 online access to their account, and access to other services.
sign up with myus.com and receive your own U.S. street address to receive merchandise. MyUS.com provides specialized international package forwarding services from your new U.S. address to your international address.
Orders are shipped from our warehouse in Bloomingdale, Illinois. We ship UPS ground to all 50 United States and depending on your location your order should arrive within 3 to 6 business days. You will be notified with tracking information at the email address on file. You can also track the status of your order online in the my account section.
All orders are shipped from our distribution center in Bloomingdale, Illinois. Standard UPS ground shipping is free for orders over $200. Next day air is also available at an additional charge. Shipping is charged once per order, any backordered items are shipped for free. Unless you are a registered wholesale buyer or nonprofit organization, you will be charged sales tax for the following states: IL, GA, OK, NC, VI, MA, MI, MN, AL, PA.